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Reach Out

Buena Vista, CO. USA



Jason Swick-Nature Based Counseling does not provide emergency or 24 hour crisis services. Please note that I typically only check emails Monday-Thursday each week based on my work schedule. If it is after hours and you are currently feeling upset, overwhelmed or out of control, or you are thinking about hurting yourself, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting themselves, please contact one of the below resources that are staffed by certified professionals 24/7, or for life threatening emergencies, please call 911.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1(800)273-TALK(8255)

  •  Text TALK to 38255

  • 24/7 State-Wide Crisis Line (844)493-8255

  • 24/7 Crisis Services-Sol Vista Health, Salida Office:(719)539-6502 Leadville Office: (719)486-0985 Canon City: (719)275-2351

Jason Swick-Nature Based Counseling does not provide emergency or 24 hour crisis services. Please note that I typically only check emails Monday-Thursday each week based on my work schedule. If it is after hours and you are currently feeling upset, overwhelmed or out of control, or you are thinking about hurting yourself, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting themselves, please contact one of the below resources that are staffed by certified professionals 24/7, or for life threatening emergencies, please call 911.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1(800)273-TALK(8255)

  •  Text TALK to 38255

  • 24/7 State-Wide Crisis Line (844)493-8255

  • 24/7 Crisis Services-Sol Vista Health, Salida Office:(719)539-6502

  • Leadville Office: (719)486-0985

  • Canon City: (719)275-2351

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